
Reproductive Freedom

Currently, it’s not safe to be pregnant in Tennessee.

Women’s lives and livelihoods are in crisis. We must have the freedom to make our own healthcare decisions without government interference. I will work tirelessly to protect and expand access to reproductive healthcare, including abortion services, IVF, and contraception, ensuring that every individual can control their own bodies and futures.

Gun Safety

We must fight for safety of our communities and
protect our kids from the current #1 killer of children
in Tennessee.

Tennessee has generations of responsible gun owners. The problem doesn’t lie with them. Instead, we need to make sure those that do not honor and respect gun ownership and pose a risk to themselves or others do not have access to firearms. I will ensure responsible gun ownership including universal background checks, closing loopholes, waiting periods, safe storage laws, and regulating high-powered, semi-automatic firearms and high-capacity magazines.

Economic Growth & Affordability

Every family deserves the dignity of meaningful work and the opportunity to not just survive, but thrive.

Economic growth is good for our District, and I will work to ensure that it benefits everyone. I will ensure that businesses have what they need to grow and to provide meaningful work and wages as employers.

I will champion policies that support economic growth, affordability, including the child tax credit, affordable housing solutions, to protect and expand dignified work and provide robust support for local businesses and employers.

Whether in manufacturing, or in small businesses, I will work with our private sector so that our workers thrive. By addressing income inequality and providing the resources necessary for financial security, we can ensure that everyone has the means to make ends meet and build a better future.

Other Issues

Bringing Valuable Resources Back to Tennessee

Right now, there are existing resources at the Federal level that Tennessee is not using because our current representative isn’t doing the hard work to bring it to our District. Maryam will ensure that existing resources in bill such as Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, in the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, and in many other recently passed legislation is effectively channelled down to Tennessee to benefit the people of District 5. She will also work to obtain additional funds in appropriations for the vast needs of District 5.

Healthcare Access

Healthcare is a fundamental right, not a privilege reserved for the wealthy. Every American should have access to high quality, affordable healthcare. However, Tennessee leads the nation in medical bankruptcies and 70% of Tennesseans hold medical debt.

No one should have to choose between medical care and food, rent, or paying their bills. That’s why I will work to ensure that every Tennessean can receive the care they need without financial hardship. No one should go bankrupt because of illness or injury.

In Congress, I will support legislation that will lower the cost of prescription drugs and healthcare premiums. I will fight for a public option, strengthen the Affordable Care Act, and address the growing mental health crisis facing our children. I will advocate for doctors who seek to provide the care they are trained and licensed to give.


We have an obligation to protect the civil rights afforded to those within our LGBTQIA+ community: To protect them from discrimination, ignorance and intolerance. This includes fighting against discrimination in all forms, securing marriage equality, and promoting inclusive healthcare policies that address the unique needs of the LGBTQIA+ community.

I have fought against discrimination of the LGBTQIA+ community and I will work to create safe and supportive environments in schools, workplaces, and communities, so that everyone, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity, can live openly and authentically without fear of prejudice or harm. Every one of us has the right to be who we are and to love who we choose. In Congress, I would strongly support Tennessee’s LGBTQIA+ constituents and work to pass the Equality Act for civil rights protections regardless of sex, sexual orientation or gender identity.

Civil Rights

Civil rights protections must be safeguarded. Equity, diversity, and inclusion matters to ensure that everyone can be their authentic selves and contribute to their communities and to Tennessee overall. Discrimination of any kind must be fought because it holds back all of us when Tennesseans aren’t able to be safe and accepted in our state. Integrated communities are more empathetic, accepting, innovative and peaceful.

I have fought for equity as Chair of the Metro Human Relations Commission and will continue to fight for this in all my capacities. We have to be vigilant against the constant and unceasing attempts to roll back civil protections and equitable programs, by the Supreme Court and Congress. I support the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act of 2023 and legislation like it that aim to protect voting rights and prevent states from further deteriorating voting rights.

Affordable Housing

Affordable housing shortages are having an awful impact on our communities in District 5. Often, the housing units that are built are meant for an income level that is significantly above the median income and therefore fail to address the low and middle-income housing needs.  From increasing homelessness to making it impossible for teachers, public servants, and others to pay rent, the low inventory of affordable housing affects everyone. 

At the federal level, there are levers we can pull to change this. First, I fully support the effort to increase the Low Income Housing Tax Credit.  I support limiting the amount of homes that investors can own so that there is more inventory of homes available to Tennesseans who want to buy them. I also support the Housing Trust, which would be available to invest in low-income housing. 

I support first-time buyer programs, and programs to incentivize developers to build small units that teachers and public servants can afford. 

Affordable housing is defined as housing that costs no more than 30% of a family’s income and in District 5 many are paying more than that for housing. During the last few years, Nashville was unable to negotiate or require affordable housing developments because of state preemption laws that prohibit cities from requiring affordable housing as part of development contracts. However, in the last session of the state legislature, new laws were passed that allow developers to willingly choose to include affordable or attainable housing options in their developments. Using levers at the federal level that complement work at the city and state level, we can solve our inventory crisis, prevent homelessness, and ensure more families find homes. 

Foreign Policy

CHINA: China has one goal, to prop up their economy, off the backs of the American consumer. Their practices, including the theft of intellectual property and trade secrets, threaten American industry, manufacturing, and jobs. I applaud the recent U.S. tariffs on China, which are essential to the protection and growth of local manufacturing like the new $2.3B General Motors car battery plant in Spring Hill.  

In addition, China is the world’s leading climate polluter. Their practices have made them the world’s largest emitter of greenhouse gases. We must ensure their cooperation to address climate change. Further, we must put an end to the threat that China poses to our democracy and the human rights of those who stand in contrast to their authoritarian beliefs.  

UKRAINE: Putin is a threat to democracy, to world stability, and to state sovereignty. The way that he has attacked a truly democratic nation with the aim to control it violates international law. I’ve been shocked at how Congress has dragged its feet in support of Ukraine. The US must continue to support Ukraine to not embolden Putin’s aggressive agenda that threatens our NATO allies. 

ISRAEL-HAMAS WAR: The one thing I’ve heard from both Jewish and Muslim communities is their deep concern for the innocent men, women, and children who have lost their lives in this war. As I’ve said from the beginning, there is no path to peace without a ceasefire. The hostages taken by Hamas must be brought home and the obliteration of Gaza put to an end. Hamas and Netanyahu can do this. The United States, as well as the rest of the international community, must do everything it can to steer them in this direction.

According to the Lancet, a reputable scientific journal, it is estimated that close to 200,000 Palestinians have been killed or have died from starvation, infectious diseases, wounds, and lack of medication and care in the last ten months. I condemn Hamas and all acts of terrorism and violence. I will work for the end of suffering and peace for all.


The environmental crisis we face is real and its potential effects are profound. There is a way to continue the economic growth of District 5 in a responsible manner to ensure our environment remains as beautiful and resource rich as it is today.

The Duck River in District 5 is an example of an opportunity to use technology and responsible management practices to preserve it for generations to come. In 2024, it was declared the top 3 most endangered river in the country. Years of water withdrawals and plans for increasing that water withdrawal due to growth & development threatens the river’s future. We must preserve our Tennessee nature and resources with appropriate planning and technology. Tennessee is one of the fastest growing states in the country and we must do what we can to protect our resources while supporting this growth sustainably. 

TN has lost more than 50% of its wetlands and more are being threatened because of the growth of construction and development. They are vital to TN residents as they provide us with better water quality, they reduce the impact of flooding, help our economy, sustain industries dependent on wildlife and they are what make Tennessee so beautiful. 
We need to effectively utilize alternative energy sources that will create new jobs and reduce our carbon footprint.